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Lab news!

October 2024: Welcome to our new postdoc Antoine Houtain!

December 2024: Happy Holidays from the Heil Lab! We enjoyed food, drinks, and learning a new game.

September 2024: Welcome to our new PhD student Manav Rohilla! Manav is in the Bioinformatics PhD program and is working on the evolution of recombination rate.


June 2024 Lab Olympics and farewell to postdoc Enrique Schwarzkopf - we'll miss you! 


March 2024 Enrique Schwarkzopf and Caiti presented posters at the Genetics Society of America The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC). Thanks for a great conference GSA!


March 2024 We hosted 90 middle schoolers from Lakewood Montessori Middle School at the lab! They brought their sourdough starters that they have been "training" for the big finale, a sourdough dough rise race to the top. Thanks to the Society for the Study of Evolution for their outreach grant to postdoc Enrique Schwarzkopf for supporting this activity. 

December 2023 Congrats to visiting PhD student Sima Taheri on her 2nd place award in the annual ASM Agar Art contest! See her design here.

June/July 2023 Goodbye to the nectar yeast team! NSF Postdoctoral Fellow Elizabeth Moore is off to a USDA-ARS Postdoc working on ambrosia beetles and pathogenic fungi and undergrad Lindsey Wilson is starting her Masters in Urban Ecology at UNC Charlotte. We wish them both luck!

June 2023 We're heading to Evolution in Albuquerque, NM! Check out Enrique Schwarzkopf's talk on how introgression impacts the recombination landscape on Saturday at 12 in Sex/Recombination II. Caiti is giving a poster on beneficial hybridization/introgression on Saturday - we're recruiting a postdoc for this project!! 

August 2023 Welcome to Sima Taheri, visiting PhD student from Gorgan University (Iran), and to new undergraduate researcher, Olivia Caruso! 

June 2023 Congrats to PhD student Margot Ruffieux on her invited talk at the Conference on Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF8) in Cork, Ireland! She'll be speaking June 5 at 3:30 about her work on the domestication of Saccharomyces in baking! 

May 2023 Congrats to postdoc Enrique Schwarzkopf for his Society for the Study of Evolution outreach grant! Thanks SSE! 

January 2023 Welcome to our new technician, Jessica McNeill, and new undergrad, Amani Petway!

March 2023 We had so much fun sampling our sourdough beer at the Centennial Social Hour and the State of the Sciences. Thanks to everyone who participated! 

November 2022 We had so much fun at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences Darwin Day. Thanks to everyone who came and learned about yeasts and how they help make bread! 

October 2022 Congrats to Margot Ruffieux on her advancement to PhD candidacy! 

April 2022 Congrats to undergraduates Mili Jimenez, Lindsey Wilson, and Alexxis Gutierrez on their undergraduate research symposium posters! Read more about their work here

March 2022 Heil Lab 1st conference! Enrique presented his work at SEPEEG in Eagle Rock, GA. Terrific conference - great to be back in person!

March 2022 Congrats to undergrad Lindsey Wilson and her mentor, Elizabeth Moore, on receiving the NCSU Genetics & Genomics Academy summer research grant to work on local nectar yeast! And congrats to Enrique Schwarzkopf and Margot Ruffieux for receiving GGA travel grants to attend the Evolution and GSA PEQG meetings, respectively. Thanks GGA!

September 10, 2021 Check out the Society for the Study of Evolution new faculty profile of Caiti. Thanks for highlighting our lab, SSE!



July 1, 2021 Welcome to our new postdocs, Enrique Schwarzkopf & Elizabeth Moore! 

August 1, 2021 Check out our new grant! We are so excited for our new NIH NIGMS MIRA. Read more about the project here.

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